LDI 2022 Las Vegas
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LDI 2022 Las Vegas

Dec 07, 2023

Here we go with our second day in Las Vegas to give you first-hand information about the new products introduced by companies from all over the world at LDI 2022 . More world premieres and many products that, given the forced hiatus in recent years, are being exhibited for the first time in the USA.

Enjoy the reading!


Among the most curious new products of this edition is Smoke Genie, a ‘mini-smoke’ designed by PMI GEAR. It is a truly tiny portable battery-operated smoke machine ideal for fog, smoke and dry ice.

Features include 500 CFM of fog power, rechargeable and easy-to-replace 18650 battery, food-safe liquid, zero wait time for smoke creation, ‘liquid smoke’ texture with dry ice.

Info: pmigear.com


SGM is exhibiting new products from the past two years for the first time in the USA, including the G-7 BeaSt, the innovative Q-8 and the small but powerful i-6.

The G-7 BeaSt is a dual source moving head, capable of creating mid-air beams and high-power strobe effects. The unique parabolic glass reflector collimates multiple reflections into a single beam, while an LED array, inserted in the centre of the reflector, provides a high-power white strobe blinder. With its wide lens opening, projection capabilities and exceptional direct vision effect, the G-7 BeaSt creates an innovative system that is particularly attractive for long-range applications, large-scale tours and versatile installations.

Dual-source concept also present in the Q-8, which combines the compact size and low power consumption of the Q-7, the advanced industrial design of the Q-10 and the powerful strobe of the G-7 BeaSt on 2 separate LED arrays. This high colour quality DualSource fixture features RGBW mixing, pixel-mapping control, 110° and 75° diffusion angles, as well as a range of additional filters that are easy to apply thanks to the magnetic system.

i-6, presented for the first time this year at PL+S in Frankfurt, is a special narrow-beam wash that offers long-range performance. Its strengths are its extreme power with reduced size and weight. With an output of 1,575 lux / 146 fc* at a distance of 30 m, the i-6 is an LED luminaire that sets a new benchmark for wall washing and accent lighting, thanks to its advanced optical design. With adjustable power consumption and a weight of only 14.5 kg, the i-6 is a precise and flexible tool for architectural lighting.

Info: www.sgmvideo.net


Claypaky lands in Las Vegas with an innovative and extremely versatile world premiere. We are talking about the new VOLERO WAVE, a LED bar with unique features, composed of a system of eight moving heads, each of which is able to move independently with a tilt of up to 220°, giving rise to truly original three-dimensional volumetric projections. Each of these heads contains a new mirror optical system combined with 40W RGBW LEDs; the innovative concept behind Volero Wave was to be able to move the entire light source on its own axis, thus maintaining the same luminous flux intensity in any position of the tilt range.

The beams always appear extremely sharp and collimated, parallel to each other thanks to the projection angle of only 2.9°. The wave of light inside the stand was extremely overwhelming, thanks also to the combined use with the Claypaky Panify system.

Also on show is the entire Xtylos family characterised by the laser motor-based light source. Xtylos Aqua is the marine grade C5-M protection solution, while Mini Xtylos HPE is more energy efficient.

First time at a US trade fair for the TAMBORA LINEAR, the advanced pixel mapping LED bar designed for versatile lighting effects and artistic set decoration. These are hybrid bars, incorporating two complementary effects in a single fixture: the first is driven by a system of 400 RGB LED pixels, offering a background light very similar to that of a high-definition LED wall in appearance. The second effect is created by a central line of 200 extremely powerful white LEDs for an overwhelming strobe effect.

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TAMBORA FLASH, on the other hand, is a hybrid fixture capable of working simultaneously as strobe, wash and blinder, specifically designed with a modular approach for use in a linear array to offer new creative opportunities for lighting designers. Tambora Flash has an IP66 protection rating, making it ideal for use in outdoor applications.

Info: www.claypaky.it


Among the new products GLP presented at LDI is the recently launched FUSION X-PAS 12 Z, which was developed in close collaboration with PRG, and is gaining wide acceptance among professionals worldwide. It is a state-of-the-art, weatherproof and low-maintenance LED projector with good colour mixing and light quality.The X-PAR 12 Z is powered by a 120W single-source COB LED in the primary colours RGB and Lime, with Fresnel optics, to generate an output of up to 2,520 lm with a CRI 80+.The iQ.Gamut colour algorithm, already used in the new Impression X5 series, generates perfectly calibrated white points and excellent light quality, in line with GLP’s previous LED PARs. In combination with the wide zoom (8° to 52°) and the 190 mm front lens, the various light emission options can be used to create numerous impressive looks.

Another new feature is the impression X5 series, equipped with 19 powerful 40 W RGBL LEDs with an extremely high quality rendering and an increased colour gamut provided by GLP’s new iQ.Gamut calibration algorithm. A 16:1 zoom from 3.5° to 60° completes the features. The fixture offers an extensive feature package, including selectable calibrated white points, a tungsten simulation channel, magenta/green correction, virtual colour wheel with 64 reference LEE filters and variable CTC, as well as twin layer effects with numerous dynamic pattern macros.Featuring GLP’s characteristic base-less design, Impression X5 weighs only 13.3 kg. Its design also allows the connection of static front accessories.

Not to be outdone, GLP is exhibiting for the first time the brand new impression X5 Compact with 7 powerful 40 Watt RGBL LEDs, CRI 90 at 6,500 K and the ability to instantly switch to other fixed colour temperatures, all calibrated exactly to the black body line. Thanks to the new super-fast zoom mechanism, impression X5 Compact offers a 16:1 aperture range from 3.5° to 60°. impression X5 Compact weighs only 8 kg and, like its big brother, allows the connection of static front accessories or other effect modules.

Info: www.glp.de


Brompton Technology, a specialist in video processing solutions, is presenting at LDI the new Tessera LED processors and the latest version of Tessera software, two tools that enable greater visual performance from LED panels, while offering broad creative freedom.

The recently released Tessera v3.4 introduces new features, including Extended Bit Depth and Stacking, to help increase LED panel performance and efficiency. Extended Bit Depth unlocks up to an additional 3.3 bits of precision, offering 2 to 3 stops of additional dynamic range on camera and reducing visual artefacts. Stacking simplifies production by allowing multiple processors to be controlled simultaneously, instead of having to apply adjustments to each processor individually.

Info: www.bromptontech.com


AV Stumpfl is exhibiting the new Pixera Four media server at LDI 2022, perfect for real-time graphics applications and demanding broadcast configurations. Features include 12G-SDI I/O support, default data read rates of 10 GB/s and five configurable PCI 4.0 slots. Everything you need for 4K and 8K playback.

The Austrian company also provides AV professionals with a special pre-configured version of PIXERA four, perfect for cross rental scenarios, called PIXERA four RS.

Info: avstumpfl.com


Italy’s Spotlight exhibits the 700W Hyperion LED followspot in Las Vegas, with a highly heat-dissipating aluminium body with natural ventilation system and adjustable forced ventilation. The fixture is equipped with a filter/gelatine and gobos holder, a friction-lock fork, and an adjustable fork for correct headlamp balance.

The Followspot also contains an LED temperature control and management system to maintain the LED temperature in the optimal operating range and allows a constant colour temperature during dimming. Pre-set dimmer curves allow for zero to full intensity adjustment, and there is a frequency-adjustable strobe function.

Info: www.spotlight.it


PIXELHUE is showcasing the U3 event console at LDI, which integrates Triton’s intelligent, high-performance event management software. The U3 can receive, process and monitor multiple inputs and outputs and can work with one or more Flex View F-Series multi-screen presentation switches to provide an ideal video operating tool for a wide range of events such as conferences, interactive shows, tours and art exhibitions.

Info: www.pixelhue.com

Guido Block was born in Germany, but now he lives in Milan, Italy. Music was his first love and it’s his life. When he is not writing articles, interviews, live event reports and product tests for the Light Sound Journal Network you can find him working in his recording studio or on stage, singing and playing bass with his rock band.

PMI GEARSmoke Geniepmigear.comSGMSGM G-7 BeaStQ-8 i-6.G-7 BeaSt Q-8i-6, www.sgmvideo.netCLAYPAKYClaypaky VOLERO WAVEClaypaky Panify XtylosXtylos AquaC5-MMini Xtylos HPETAMBORA LINEAR,TAMBORA FLASHwww.claypaky.itGLPFUSION X-PAS 12 Zimpression X5impression X5 Compactwww.glp.deBROMPTON TECHNOLOGYBrompton Technology,Tessera LED processorsTessera software Tessera v3.4 www.bromptontech.comAV STUMPFLPixera FourPIXERA four RSavstumpfl.comSPOTLIGHTHyperion LED followspotwww.spotlight.itPIXELHUEPIXELHUE U3www.pixelhue.com